National Dental Assisting Examining Board
Bureau national d'examen d'assistance dentaire

Canadian Dental Assisting Graduates

To be eligible to write the NDAEB examination, applicants must be qualified as intra-oral (Level II) dental assistants, through formal dental assisting education. At minimum candidates must show proof of formal education in the following mandatory skills:

  • Chairside dental assisting (Level I)
  • Exposes dental radiographs
  • Provides oral hygiene instruction
  • Provides nutritional counseling relative to oral health
  • Applies and removes dental dam
  • Performs coronal polishing
  • Applies anti-cariogenic agents
  • Obtains impressions for study models
  • Applies and removes matrix system and wedges
  • Applies treatment liners (no pulpal involvement), acid etch and bonding materials
  • Applies pit and fissure sealants
  • Applies desensitizing agents
  • Applies topical anaesthetic agents
  • Performs vital tooth whitening using trays
  • Performs suture removal

When submitting your application, we require documentation verifying enrollment/completion of all areas of education. This includes Level I Diploma or transcript if applicable, as well as proof of Level II education completed.

Should the NDAEB conclude that your dental assisting education does not include all mandatory skills listed above, to become eligible you will be required to complete voluntary formal education upgrading for the missing skill(s). Formal upgrading courses must be successfully completed prior to the exam sitting at a program whose graduates are eligible to write the NDAEB exam. Upon submitting your application, proof of completion or proof of enrollment (with start and expected completion date) must be provided. For mobility purposes you are recommended to attend a program accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of Canada (CDAC). Information regarding education programs is available on the NDAEB website.

Students may apply for an examination before the completion of their program. For students applying before graduation, a letter from your school confirming enrollment and course completion date is required along with your application. Your course completion date must be before the examination date. (Ask your program coordinator/instructor for an individualized letter).

For full details regarding the NDAEB Written Exam application process, please refer to the Candidate Handbook for the Written Exam.

Canadian Graduates of Other Dental Healthcare Programs

  • Graduates of non-accredited Canadian dental hygiene programs are not eligible to write the NDAEB examination.

To be eligible to write the NDAEB examination, applicants must be equivalent to that of an intra-oral (Level II) dental assistant, through a formal dental healthcare educational program such as dental hygiene. At minimum candidates must show proof of formal education in the following mandatory skills:

  • Chairside dental assisting (Level I)
  • Exposes dental radiographs
  • Provides oral hygiene instruction
  • Provides nutritional counseling relative to oral health
  • Applies and removes dental dam
  • Performs coronal polishing
  • Applies anti-cariogenic agents
  • Obtains impressions for study models
  • Applies and removes matrix system and wedgess
  • Applies treatment liners (no pulpal involvement), acid etch and bonding materials
  • Applies pit and fissure sealants
  • Applies desensitizing agents
  • Applies topical anaesthetic
  • Performs vital tooth whitening using trays
  • Performs suture removal

Eligibility Assessment

Graduates of Canadian education programs other than dental assisting (e.g. Dental Hygiene) must submit their academic records and supporting documents to the NDAEB for assessment for exam eligibility. Applicants are required to follow the NDAEB Candidate Eligibility Assessment process by providing the following to the NDAEB office:

  • Copies of academic transcripts and diplomas
  • A completed Dental Assisting Course Work Report (DACWR) for Canadian Graduates other than Dental Assisting, available on this website.
  • A signed Consent for Personal Information Form permitting the NDAEB to gather and disclose your personal information to members of the Candidate Eligibility Assessment Committee, available on this website.
  • A course outline provided by your educational program clearly indicating the mandatory core skills required for NDAEB exam eligibility were included in your program. Please provide the school's name and mailing address and if possible, the name of the program instructor. The NDAEB will contact your program directly to request a program survey if necessary.
  • If the name appearing on the academic records or other documents is different from the name used in your application, a copy of a marriage or divorce certificate, sworn affidavit or proof of legal name change is required for the NDAEB to verify and reconcile the name on the application with the name appearing on the documents submitted. Documents issued outside of Canada must be certified/notarized by the commissioner of oaths, notary public, or lawyer in Canada.

Should the NDAEB conclude that your dental hygiene education, or other allied dental health program does not include all mandatory skills listed above, you will be required to complete voluntary formal education upgrading for the missing skill(s) to become eligible.  Formal upgrading courses must be successfully completed prior to the exam sitting at a program whose graduates are eligible to write the NDAEB exam.

Upon submitting your application, proof of completion or proof of enrollment (with start and expected completion date) must be provided.  For students applying before graduation, a letter from your school confirming enrollment and course completion date is required along with your application.  Your course completion date must be before the examination date.  Ask your program coordinator/instructor for an individualized letter with this information.

For labour mobility purposes, you are recommended to attend a program accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of Canada (CDAC). 


Quebec Graduates

Graduates of a Quebec Dental Assisting Program are not eligible to write the NDAEB Written Exam. The NDAEB recognizes graduates from Quebec that were issued a diploma by Le Ministère de l'Éducation, du Loisirs et du Sport du Québec (Ministry of Education) as comparable to a Level I, Chair Side Dental Assisting education program.

In order to qualify to write the NDAEB exam, you must successfully complete formal upgrading at a dental assisting education program whose graduates are eligible to write the NDAEB exam. Your upgrading program must include all mandatory intraoral skills.

Candidate Handbook

When applying to write the NDAEB exam, please read the information on the exam application and in the Candidate Handbook carefully. Details regarding all aspects of exam administration, including application processing, exam preparation and post exam administrative details are available in the Candidate Handbook.